Publisher: SKC Novi Sad, 2015
Language: Serbian

The book "Enigma of Kaspar H." was created as a visual creation inspired the poetry of Vasko Popa, Slobodan Tišma and the Slovenian rock group "Borghesia", as well as the lyrics by Bora Ćosić "Krležin san o drugoj obali" and "Epilog".
Speaking of the promotion of this edition, held in SKC "Fabrika", the editor of the book and director of the Novi Sad-based SKC, Jovan Gvero, said that author's dealing with the poetry of great poets and writers was not strange before, but that in their new book the choice and diligence, both visual and textual, were minimal, and that, unlike their earlier books, possessing strong irony and sarcasm, here the reader is left to the text, which it leads to the margins of dream and reality, where symbolism neutralizes the excessive narration.
The book "Enigma of Kaspar H." is published by SKC Novi Sad and Creative Workshops "Bunker" from Novi Sad.