Wostok's "alter-ego" Stevan Vicko, a genius and a madman from Kać (a town near Novi Sad, Vojvodina) is a tragic figure of the underground culture. In the short documentary available in english below, Wostok speaks his reasons for his fascination with Vicko.
The comic "Čovek Vicko" (Vicko the Human) is only in Serbian and there are around 340 pictures (170 pages) of it, but in this short special edition of 10 pictures below we prepared the English translation.

Vicko the Human in the Devils Den

Let's go up in cosmos for a brief moment to get a better view of the Earth. Is any of these grandiose and impressive buildings made by human hand visible from the cosmic perspective? Well, you may say that Great Wall of China is visible and... nothing else?
* Sputnik ** Great Wall of China *** Devil's Den
But, let take another look with greater attention for detail... Somewhere out there in Central Europe is a village Kac, right from that point we can see intensely shining! That place is called "Devil's Den" a building small in size, but of monumental character, because of the intensity of unlimited energy of bizarreness...

Well, you see, when I went to psychologist, she told me: "My dearest Stevan, I really can't understand what is your problem! Since you are mathematician and scientist, I'll try to explain it to you like this: You are at the furthest limit of Gaussian normal distribution - you are the one that pushes this civilization forth!" I wanted to shout back at her: "Suck my dick, you fucked up crazy bitch! I'm not feeling well!!!"
I don't want anyone... I don't want a girl.. nor boy..
I just want fucking end! I want to become a piece of marble!
Yes, I am genius, but I want death to my body, because I have no sense of purpose in this life!!!

I don't need a woman to clean my den, I just want a woman to live with me, but I concluded that I'm the stupidest fucker when I fall in love! The chemistry is not my cup of tea, actually...
Imagine this scenario, I run around her for months, and she won't put it up for me, she's all like I need to get to know you better, blah, blah... just so she could say to me later that in the meantime she jumped in the bed right away with some dude... and did it a couple of times!!!
So who is a madman here?! Me of course!!!!!

Why the fuck do you need to watch a soap opera on the TV, just switch to Vicko's channel with "Ruby cognac" there's everything you need... No girls, nor sex, but the fun is endless!
In fact, alcoholics are the people that drink alone, and I don't drink alone, I'm here with all my Facebook friends! I mean - ALCOHOLIC!!! I drank a liter of "Ruby cognac" in one evening - so, what the fuck are we even talking about!?!?!
I'm worthless piece of shit - I get up at noon!!! And soon I'll be 40 ... Doom and gloom!!! I just can't... This cognac kills! All the best!!
I abuse the fact that I'm good at math and science, so I can get the drinking money! I wonder until when!?! And I don't know the answer! I am not looking for love and I think about sex only when I jerk off! And that's it! What a disaster!!! The fuck, I have high standards, I guess!?! I suppose I need a kind of cunt that grew up on "The Residents" and now is hooked up on dope!!!

I walk on all four in my room, but I'm still conscious! This picture of me with a barrel of schnapps took my dad! Oh, yeah, I roast myself heavily everyday and shall drink myself to death finally one day.. I'd hang myself right away, if only I had no hope... to find love.. I know I'm genius, I know I'm superb, I'd hook up with myself!!! I'm not selfish, but I look for a honeybear to love ME, to turn me on and to be fucked!! It's a matter of life and death!! I'm not capable to wait for anyone, I have emotionally dependent personality.. Harlots are not allowed in the game, I'm extra high quality material in any sense... Quantum physics, avant-garde, beautiful cock, imaginative, loyal till death... So I just need to get to love you!
I decided to be cocky - I got this 30 gallon barrel of schnapps in my room - my old man is gonna get pissed, but I'm gonna roast myself! Here it is, I'll call you when I sobber up, if get out of it alive.
I'm getting ready to get to a local pub with a local Harry!!!
To fuck everyone up!! For everyone to know who is the greatest jerk of all!!

I need to get out of this "Hellish den", and Hellish den is life itself!!
You dumb fucks, do you wanna live in the dark!? No, I don't want to get into this "intellectual" shit, I just wanna be six feet under and not give a single fuck!!!
"Some get the awful,
awful diseases
some get the knife
some get the gun
life'll kill ya
that's what I said
life'll kill ya
then you'll be dead
life'll kill ya
wherever you go..."
(Warren Zevon, "Life'll kill ya")

WHAT IS FUCKING REAL? My will to live while sober or my desire for death when am not?
I wanna jump off of the plane with the parachute, but I'm too scared!!!
I went one time to bungee jump, I couldn't go near it, I was so distressed! Distance to my monitor is much, much safer!
Punks who say "Chicken!" can fuck off!
You all got hooked on the gun, but nobody noticed my new glasses in this picture.
I suppose I fucked up again with facebook posts, since I have received calls over the phone with preachments about what I should and shouldn't allow myself to do... Well, fuck it, I allow myself!!!

What's wrong with me? Nothing's wrong... a hand full of tranquilizers, just because.. I can't do this anymore, we didn't fight, my people - let them see how it is, let them suffer... I'm ok, don't worry, a little bit dizzy, I can't walk straight, I talk with difficulties, as you can hear, I'm alright, don't worry, ok, I won't fall asleep.. A finger, yeah, several times in a row, threw up, my people put up a fuss, called an ambulance, I don't want to be a statistic, I don't want to be stigmatized, I don't want to be just an attempt, I'm alright, don't worry I won't fall asleep, I need more than Valium to fall asleep, I'm alright don't worry...

It's the saddest day for the Devil's Den, sad as a broken bell... Food is getting cold on the table, and nobody's here to eat... The Human Stevan Vicko Fassbinder is not here, and seems like it, he will never come back.. Where did he go no one knows! Just as no one knows if he will ever come back to be in this comic ever again!